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There’s no way to dodge the 2019 meltdown, but to forever end intense economic shocks thereafter, here’s the plan.
Add to My Ballot Learn moreTo sanitize money in politics, sterilize so-called public $ervice, disinfect our nation’s capital, and save her from future infestation.
Add to My Ballot Learn moreThe singular jarring reason why presidential candidates break every promise, the minute they’re elected. To fix that.
Add to My Ballot Learn moreWall Street, K Street, Forbes 400, Fortune 500, dictate tax law in Washington DC. Main Street pays the price. To fix that.
Add to My Ballot Learn moreFor a highly specialized Bachelor’s or Master’s in half the time, or less, with high income potential, no student debt.
Add to My Ballot Learn moreEnough with the talk about rebuilding manufacturing and reversing our factory jobs bleed. Here’s how to actually do it.
Add to My Ballot Learn moreA few getting richer, many getting poorer, isn’t capitalism at work — it’s manipulators, frontrunners and the Fed. To fix that.
Add to My Ballot Learn moreA denial of internet and cell phone service, blanketing all law abiding citizens, all at once, is dangerous and un-American.
Add to My Ballot Learn moreTo keep the NSA’s peeping toms, prying eyes, out of our private lives, and to protect & defend all lawful political opponents.
Add to My Ballot Learn moreSaying no to banks tracking our every move and hiking fees with their push to outlaw our cash and turn all money electronic.
Add to My Ballot Learn moreGot an idea that could produce waves of jobs for Americans here at home? Then we’ve got a visa, and funding, for you.
Add to My Ballot Learn moreTo tell Labor Statistics, and gov’t officialdom, to stop color-coating their stats to paint a pretty picture, when it’s not.
Add to My Ballot Learn moreTo inspect the banker-led New York Fed and its int’l partner for bank bailouts, the IMF, and to examine agents & proxies.
Add to My Ballot Learn moreMore to our elderly in need, less to those who use social security to gas up their Bugatti, and no FICA taxation of low wages.
Add to My Ballot Learn moreTo teach programming age 6 through 18, because it is in advanced coding that the best paying jobs of the future will be.
Add to My Ballot Learn moreTo end $35 overdraft fees and all other excessive & abusive fee generation schemes of the bailed-out banks.
Add to My Ballot Learn moreTo secure the assets of small depositors and small investors, were banks and brokerages to collapse in unison.
Add to My Ballot Learn moreThe only “racket” there is wherein “the profits are reckoned in dollars and the losses in lives” — Major General Butler
Add to My Ballot Learn morePolice and Civilians have clashed before, but the clashes to come in 2019-2020 will require a fresh set of eyes.
Add to My Ballot Learn moreCases of prosecutorial overreach, underreach, or no attempt made to reach — how’s that equitable justice for all?
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